Sunday, June 21, 2009

What Day Again Is It Today?

"Most important of all, pursuit of an interest with enthusiasm is the key driving force to foster and sustain interest in any endeavors" (My dad's inaugural lecture)

I know for a fact that my dad lives by those words. To me, if an educator has this chance to deliver his last lecture that supposedly defines him, and all he talks about is his greatest research period, then there is something terribly wrong with the education system. So are you telling me mr. educator, the only wisdom you want to part to this world are just those Greek scientific jargon? I'd rather quit university if that is what university means. Luckily I don't have to worry about my dad reducing the meaning of university to nothingness -and perhaps me ending up working as a janitor because I fail to get my degree - because I know for a fact that he is not the boring type of guy :) He has his visions, principles, and idealism.

Let me give you a possible scenario: Today, some big name gives his inaugural lecture and the lecture hall is packed with these eager minds. Then the educator labors through his boring research paper in a monotonous way and these eager minds pretend to understand what he is talking about. Surprise... Surprise... He even gives a quiz at the end of the session! So now everybody in the lecture hall understands the true meaning of education: Just exam... After everything is said and done, these eager minds leave the hall feeling they are on another level of intellectual plane because they just got fed with new greek words that they never knew before. They don't bother the fact that they don't understand a single thing the guy was talking about, as long as they can say "I have attended this [insert big name here]'s lecture."

There is something wrong with that picture isn't it? Plus, nobody has to do something in a specific way just because everybody else does it that way. This guy is a true educator. That is true wisdom!

Oh wait, today is father's day right? But I guess father's day is the day when I'm with him balik kampung and he tells stories - for the hundredth time, shhhh, don't tell him I'm saying this - about all the mischevious stuff that he did during his childhood and why my atuk is such a great man. It can't be the day I'm 14795.55 kilometers away.

Note1: "Janitor" wasn't used in a condescending manner if you understand what I mean.
Note2: I can't do this... adeiii...


  1. grr.tajam as olwez. but it is true though. *terasa*.
    not only lectures, but sometimes books too.
    oh and new layout. n new links.

  2. Tajam eh.. I'm js speaking my mind.
