Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mom told me that I have to work hard no matter what. So I worked hard today :) no more whining, no more crap talk, just get the job done. I can be pretty much a jerk if I don't feel like doing something, so no more of that. Mom is a perfectionist par excellence when it comes to work - in fact in whatever she does - I picture that if I work with her and I'm doing it only half-heartedly, she'll definitely be very irritated with me and I don't want to do that at all.

By the way, when I first got my job, I called home and told her about it. I was excited because I was sooo... relieved - I thought I wasn't going to get one (I had some issues with work permit and stuff, but that's another matter altogether). Mom was very calm on the line when she heard me broke the news, and she gave a response that I will probably remember forever: "Mama memang rasa abang akan dapat. Entah, Mama rasa tenang je, tak rasa risau apa-apa pasal abang." I didn't even told her how the interview went for that job or whatever beforehand. But that was mom for me, nobody has gut feelings like that - she just knows, the non-deductive way.

Having said that, she is actually the most organized, mathematical, and logical person I've ever known on this planet. It is very easy for me to exchange opinion and solve any issue or problem with her - the last thing we agreed upon was to buy a turbo version of a car, but I'm still not quite sure how rational that actually is (my father had to concede). *big grin* Note: Turbo is just marketing gimmick, it's not even turbo-charged, just high-pressure compressed air blown into the engine. Good thing she does math and not engineering, or not I'm pretty sure I'll get beat up by her if she's in my class - or my prof or teacher or whatever.

On tangent to that, just now Dr. Ali told me:
"I want to see you every saturday at my halaqah."
"InsyaAllah", I plan to anyway, I like Bulugh al-Maram.
"You're very analatycal and critical"
I smilled at him and said,

I am just observant I guess, and yes critical at times - so don't take offense. MasyaAllah, he is... an extremely nice person. I told people to be aware of timekeeping because he is just too polite to cut people off when they speak during his halaqah. It's frustrating at times. I looked at him, then I looked at the person talking, I could tell he is pressing for time, but the person kept on talking - not everyone realized it. It made me remember of the situation when the Prophet s.a.w. had to put up with some of the sahabah who kept on talking late into the night during his walimah, but he was just too polite to tell them to stop until the revelation came. Plus, the topic: Formation of madhab and ikhtilaf is my favorite as I had to do an essay on it last semester - it was my obsession for a while.

That's it for today.

P.S. I am on another wave of self-curfewing myself from fb,ym, bloghopping, etc. - for a month at least. Now don't laugh, I'm serious this time, I'm gonna do it with gritty determination, insyaAllah. You be the witness, I am determined to get it right this time around. But I will continue to write on this blog, I need it to keep myself sane.


  1. Nice. Btw, AWESOME news!

    Mr. Chong came by today and mama paid the down payment :D hehe...RED-moon-reoofed-Turbo-which-I'll-drive-1st-BEFORE-YOU will arrive around July-August :D

    AND another thing which Abang will probably like to talk about with Mama is that. When Mr.Chong came, he discussed with Mama at great lengths about scholarships (again :P).

    Somehow it turned to racism, politics and finally religion. Islam, to be more precise. It's kinda, I dunno, well, you should talk with mama :)

  2. okay, I'm going to be the witness, let see...

    - Hafiz

  3. Yana:
    Lesen pon tak dapat lagi, berangan... Plus, I doubt mama will let you drive it :) Oh interesting, I should hv been there. k...

    We'll see...

  4. good luck.1 month is ok considering u have this blog

  5. Haha.. ko rase ni percubaan senang la ni. In a way, betul la. Ni warm up je, utk something bigger. Thx.
