Wednesday, June 24, 2009

35th ISNA Canada

Guest Speaker... DSAI

P.S. Maybe, finally I get to meet Dr. Umar Faruq Abdallah. But what shall I do with my rogers cup semi-final ticket? More importantly, my friend, takkan nak tinggal je. Huhu.. Maybe Saturday Montreal & Sunday Toronto.


  1. Give ME the ticket... :P

    Abang nak jumpe Dr. Umar nie cam Yana nak jumpe David haritu eh? 8D

  2. Lol. I don't think Dr. Umar & David are comparable :p

    Tu la, takkan nak tinggal jin yong sorang2 tetibe, kesian die. Tgk schedule mcm mane, maybe abang pergi montreal juma'at (ambik cuti) & sabtu, lepas tu conference ni pergi ahad. Harap2 the good stuff are on sunday.

  3. Hooo bagus2. Plan lah dgn cermat :D

    n yeah. David can't be compared to Dr.Umar. :P

  4. dude! ajak cik din.haha.baru bole berdebat dgn bes

  5. Die tau. Ttp die tak pergi nye...

  6. nak dengar anwar bercakap kena pasal politik baru terhibur hati, itu specialty dia. hehe
