Saturday, June 27, 2009

Are You in Love?

This is my note of Shaykh Abdus Salam lecture at YTC 09 titled: Are You in Love? The discourse is a bit sufisticated, but you know what? If there is a benefit that we can gain, why do we distinct so much between this and that. As usual, the hadiths don't have their chain of naration, and the authenticity of the akhbar are not known.

If a muslim does not love he does not have anything at all. Unfortunately today love is decreasing among the ulama’, among muslim, amongs locality, etc. Love is a very, very great quality, without it we are going to nowhere. “You will never enter jannah until you have iman, and you will never have iman, until you have love for one another.” (hadith). Iman should be followed by good character. You young people today, get this message of love so that you can take it because as we go closer to day of qiyamah, people are becoming more selfish, self-centered, and arrogant. “One of the first things to be removed from this world is khusyu’ (hadith) When you pray, take you time in your sajdah, in your rukuk, in your qiyam, don’t rush it.

“There is no iman for one who has no love” (hadith). “There is no solah for one who has no wudhu’” (hadith). The same principle is at work here. You can perform all your solah, your hajj, but if you don’t have love, you’re like a stone. Some of us may have hearts that are like stones. Unfortunately, when muslims meet muslims we look for confrontation, we look for debate, we look for ambivalent. We don’t come with love, we don’t meet each other with love, with humilty, with respect.

Indeed listen well, “The body of man is a lump of flesh, when that lump of flesh is good, the whole body becomes good, when that lump of flesh becomes corrupted, every part of the body becomes corrupted.” (hadith) You know where thoughts come from? When these thoughts are inside of us, these thoughts invite you towards virtue; these thoughts are called inspiration (ilham). When these thoughts are evil, they come from syaitan and from the nafs. The place fo knowledge, haqa’iq (reality) is inside the chest. The brain sometimes advises the heart; the heart will say yeah, but he still wants it. The heart desires something, instead of love, it wants to hate. Instead of sincerity, it wants to show off. The king of the body is the heart. When heart wants something, the brain will say “No, it’s bad, don’t do it”, but the heart will ignore it and carry out its desire.

So if you want to love you have to awaken this inside here (pointing to the heart). When I used to study way back, when I was younger in college, I was in Mexico, I write GCE Cambridge, and I wasn’t a muslim yet. There is this girl who told me love isn’t like a radio, you can’t turn it on and off. The people they love, they become jilted; love sickness and love worries. Men with the wrong guidance drink because they can’t turn it off. Only Allah can control the heart. “O Allah, turn on our hearts, turn our hearts towards obedience, keep our heart firms upon your path” (Prophet’s s.a.w. prayer).

We all fall in love, sometimes we loose the quality of love, we don’t love anymore. When we talk about love, where does it comes from? Imam Bukhari reported under the topic: Love is from Allah. Isn’t Allah’s name al-Wadud? There is a hadith that goes along this line: When Allah loves somebody, Allah calls Jibril: Allah loves so and so person, so Jibril you love him too. Then Jibril calls out to the inmates of the heaven and the sky, “O dwellers of the sky, Allah loves that person. So you also love him.” Then the inmates, the angels, the dwellers of the sky begin to love that person. So much so that everything loves him, even creatures and animals in the sea love him and pray for him. Until acceptance is placed on him on the land, wherever he goes, he is loved.

Unfortunately, what we know of love today is the love of Laila and Majnun. We talk about girlfriend and boyfriend, wife and husband. Majnun was so in love with Laila; he can’t see and he can’t sleep. When you love somebody you love the city of that person, the dog of the beloved, when you get something from your beloved you treasure it. So does Majnun. The ariffin says this is the type of love we should have for Allah. For a lot of people the kiblah becomes the kiblah of a woman. Everything is about woman. I know you have good women here in Canada, I’m not talking about those women.

We fall in love, and why not? Imam Bukhari studies from the student of Abdullah ibn Mubarak. He was known as ustadhuz asatidhah. Abdulah ibn Mubarrak was the student of Imam Abu Hanifah. But Abdullah ibn Mubarrak was in love too, very much in love with a girl. He would spend sleepless night thinking about this girl because he was in love with her. He would wake the night to see the girl to move from one place to another place. Then there is this voice that says, Abdallah, how many nights have you spend to love creatures? Why don’t you spend just a night in the love of the Khaliq (the Creator).

Hatim ibn Asam, his sheikh aked him, “You have spent 30 years with me. Tell me what did you learn?” Hatim said, I have learnt eight things. These eight things, it would take perhaps a lifetime for a person to know the reality of only one of them. Today I share one of them. I see people fall in love, a man loves his wife, a woman loves a man as a woman loves a man very strongly - the lover and the beloved. Sometimes people love things and they become attached to things. Some people love their car so much that they polish them and wax their cars. Sometimes a man loves his children. This is great love, real attachment, it is noble. (referring to filial love). Somebody loves somebody, somebody loves something.

It was in one janazah when the reality came in. The lover was going to the grave alone. His whole life he loves his wife, children, objects but I noticed that a lover is going to grave alone and the beloved can’t control. I decided to travel the world, I want to fall in love with such an entity that would not leave me. I want to look for some entity that would go in the grave with me. I search that and I can’t find it except for one thing: good righteous deed (‘amal soleh), that is the only thing. From that day I have decided to fall in love with righteous action (good dead). If we have to fall in love, let’s be sensible people, fall in love with things that can accompany us to the grave.

P.S. If you are thinking about the 'earthly' answer to the question, are you in love? Maybe National Geographic might have a close enough answer for you here. Note: You can always choose not to see the pictures and just listen to the audio of the video (although only minority of them are 'unsuitable'). Just don't well, say I'm bla3...

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