Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Unquantifiable Factor

  • The best food is the one that is cooked with love and rahmah. Actually you can feel it with your heart, not with your tongue. It's not about the taste buds on your tongue that transfer the sensation to your brain, but it's about your soul that vibrates with love that is sincerely put into the food - the barakah.

  • So nothing beats home-cooked food, not even the one from the most expensive high-class restaurant. Nothing beats food that is cooked by people who care for you, not even the food cooked by the best chef in this world.

  • Rahmah is something unquantifiable in the materialistic sense. I can't say a hundred more rahmah will cost a hundred more dollars - I can't write that in the invoice.

  • If we choose to vew this world through the materialistic lense, then we cease to be human. If it is just about profit and cost-cutting, then welcome to the modern world - a sad world that renders words like barakah, rahmah, and ihsan meaningless.

  • Cronyism is despicable if you give position only to people you know and cause injustice by depriving others from the position that they deserve. Asking your wife to cook dinner for you (if she is willing), instead of ordering food from next door restaurant is not cronyism. You are not depriving the next door restaurant from anything at all.

p/s: Thanks to those who have cooked food with rahmah for us the other day. Jazakumullah Khairan.

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