Sunday, July 19, 2009

Randomness In Motion

I must warn that this post is all about jumping from one random point to another: Apparently I do that just so efficiently. I'm just saying this so that I don't have to clarify myself "why on earth am I not making sense?" on each paragraph.

1. I realize that - this is by no mean an earth-shattering realization - I don't even understand my own psychology. But then again, who does? I don't understand why mood swing exists, why sometimes I'm bored, why I feel in a certain way, why life just sometimes never seem enough, and the list can go on forever of course. I don't think a reductionist-approach to this dilemma is the right way to go: You know people sometimes say "Ohh, it's just ......... <-- fill in the blank" Because that's like saying there is no solution, that's just how you function period. No way... Ok, so how? I don't know. Haha.. No, just no way, that's it.

2. Life must be about embracing imperfection. Because that's just the world: Imperfect. And that's just who we are: Imperfect. But sincerity is a must, there is just no substitute for that.

3.Generally speaking I don't like to expect so much from people, because that's just very selfish. Because if you expect a lot from people, then you don't expect yourself to contribute a lot - it is almost mutual exclusive. This and that, this and that from other people, what about yourself?

4. I figured, sometimes when people beg you (I'm the type yang cepat cair la), just give. "Nor repulse the petitioner (unheard)" (ad-Duha: 10). You don't really need to question the underlying motive, syndicate, bla3. Well, if you do, then do something, but you don't right? You just question it, smartly trick yourself into believing it's true, and get away. So if you do believe it's true, then go investigate thoroughly and don't stop until you prove to yourself and make a real change. But nobody does that anyway.

5. If this way of life is about a mercy to mankind, then it just makes sense that the last thing for us to do is to cause trouble to others. So mind: "Do not cause trouble to others."

6. Hadith 502. We are so self-righteous, aren't we? Everybody else is problematic, except for 'us', and we feel good about it. We don't even care.

7. Whatever, I'm really tired today, that's all. 50 km with an average speed of 25km/h and I can barely even walk after that. That's pretty pathetic actually, but I guess it's all about conditioning.


  1. '...don't understand why mood swing exists..' That's ok, pretty normal. Not to have them.. is not normal...:)

  2. Wooooo 50km. Exercise! Sehat sehat. Haha nanti kalau yana gi NZ yana un nak bli basikal ah.

    Nanti yana tape gambar kambing....n kambing....n kambing...bukit bukit bukit...rumput...padang kambing...bukit...kambing...bukit...kambing... lol xD

  3. But I am not normal :p

    Kawan abang naik kuda dkt nz. Naik la kuda dkt sana nanti, trail ride cantik2. Ttp bagus jugak naik basikal, exercise lebih sikit. It's good especially for the heart.

  4. 8D ohh!! Die naik kude??! Wahhhh.

    Hmm, okay then. Abg kne la dtg visit yana kat NZ ngan Abg Khair HAHA. Jom naik kude tgk Kambing n bukit. Abg khair bley gi jenguk kak ati :P
