Thursday, March 12, 2009

You Know What?

You know what is easy? Easy is when you sit with people who are like you: They have the same wavelength as you; they talk the same thing as you; they are simply put – just like you. When you surround yourself with good people, you get this atmosphere of ‘feel good tranquility’. Some people call it khulwatul iman (sweetness of faith). Certainly such state is real, anybody who has ever felt it will testify to its reality.

You know what is hard? To tell the truth… “Ittaqullah!” and people will run away from you before you even know. Yet you love them, you truly do…

You know what is harder? To dive into the 'ocean' and come out alive.

You know what is even harder? To dive into the 'ocean', come out alive, and bringing back some people with you.

I am just a sinful servant.
And Allah knows best.


  1. it will be harder if you dont know how to swim :P

    heh. truth is hard. it is a known fact. but i would prefer people to tell me the truth; i might sunken into my gloomy-i'm-an-emo for an hour or two, but soon enough i will be chirpy again. betul tak?

  2. You know what is harder? To dive into the 'ocean' and come out alive.

    You know what is even harder? To dive into the 'ocean', come out alive, and bringing back some people with you.

    and i do believe, the harder it is to perform deeds, the more ajr u get.and yeah, in the meanwhile, learn how to dive.

  3. You know what anonymous? It's not cool when I don't know who you are :p

    Diving is a risky business la.. But I like to dive (somehow).

  4. Betul tu farisa, cume tak semua org mcm tu. Some ppl hv inflated ego, so smtms it's not that easy when you deal with this kind of ppl.
