Sunday, March 15, 2009

Anecdotes on Abu Hanifah

Note: This is transcription of Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah's audio lecture: The Principal Imams and Their Schools. I listen to the lecture as I have to do an essay on the formation of school of laws (madhab) for my Islamic History course. I am bored, so this is an aside for me. I find this part funny and interesting, so I would like to share it here. Since it is an audio lecture, there are no citations or authenticity reports for the stories.

Abu Hanifah was a very humorous man. He was a person who people love to be around him. It is very hard to hate Abu Hanifah. He was extremely affable. He knew how to approach people. An example: He heard of a shi’i in Kuffah who was saying bad things about Uthman r.a. What did he do? What would you do? Go beat him up, right? Go and get him…

Abu Hanifah went to the man’s house and the conversation went something like this:

“There is someone here who would like to marry your daughter.”
“O really, really?”
“Yeah, he is very wealthy.”
“That’s ok, I don’t mind”
“Also he has this quality and that quality”
(Abu Hanifah was describing all the good qualities of Uthman r.a.)
The main said, “Goodness, bring this man, this will be such an honour”
Abu Hanifah said,“This is Uthman ibn Affan”
The man was like, “Oh.. Ok I get my lesson.”

Another story:-
Abu Hanifah had a neighbor who got drunk every night and he will start singing. He always sang nobody loves me, everybody hates me (you know that kind of thing). Then one night Abu Hanifah didn’t hear him singing, so he asked someone around, “where is he?” “He is in jail, they picked him up, he was drunk and he was singing.” Abu Hanifah got on his mule and he rode to the jail

He told the jail man, “you know that young man, that is my neighbor. I am Abu Hanifah.” “Oh, you are Abu Hanifah?” “Yeah, don’t you think you can let him out?”

So he got the young man out of the prison and sat him on the back of his mule. He started riding and he said, “how come you’re not singing? You’re always singing.” The young man just fell in love with Abu Hanifah and he became like a disciple of Abu Hanifah.

There were so many stories like that, but that was Abu Hanifah. He was a very beautiful person.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

You Know What?

You know what is easy? Easy is when you sit with people who are like you: They have the same wavelength as you; they talk the same thing as you; they are simply put – just like you. When you surround yourself with good people, you get this atmosphere of ‘feel good tranquility’. Some people call it khulwatul iman (sweetness of faith). Certainly such state is real, anybody who has ever felt it will testify to its reality.

You know what is hard? To tell the truth… “Ittaqullah!” and people will run away from you before you even know. Yet you love them, you truly do…

You know what is harder? To dive into the 'ocean' and come out alive.

You know what is even harder? To dive into the 'ocean', come out alive, and bringing back some people with you.

I am just a sinful servant.
And Allah knows best.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Check your intention.
Ali ibn Abu Talib, a companion of the Prophet who was about to slay his opponent in the midst of battle. As he raised his sword to strike, his enemy spat on his face. Ali immediately dropped his sword and refused to kill his opponent, “What is wrong with you, why do you not strike ?” the man asked “Because before you spat at me I was fighting you for the sake of Allah Almighty” Ali replied, “but after you spat I was fighting you because I was angry - and as a Muslim I can only fight for Allah , never for my own self.” Upon hearing this, Ali’s opponent recognized the nobility and truth of his words and immediately accepted Islam. [I have no idea about it's authenticity]

Again, check your intention.
Never do I argue with a man with a desire to hear him say what is wrong, or to expose him and win victory over him. Whenever I face an opponent in debate I silently pray - "O Allah, help him so that truth may flow from his heart and on his tongue, and so that if truth is on my side, he may follow me; and if truth be on his side, I may follow him."(Imam Al-Shafi'e)

Make people understand, but do not oppose them unnecessarily.
Show people as much love as you can. Greet everyone, even the very lowly. If you gather with others in an assembly and discuss various problems, during which someone expresses an idea to which you are opposed, do not oppose them. If they ask you, give your opinion, speak what is in your heart, and say that there are such and such opinions on this subject and the proof is as follows. Thus, they will listen to you and understand the degree of your knowledge.
(Imam Abu Hanifah)

Show no boredom and weariness to anyone.
Show some degree of knowledge to all who approach you and let each one learn something from you. Give them important things, not trivial ones. Be like a friend to them, even make witty remarks by way of jokes, because friendship and sincerity ensures the continuation of knowledge. Treat them gently and be tolerant. Show no boredom or weariness to anyone. Comfort yourself as like one of them.
(Imam Abu Hanifah)

Take interest in those who do not come to you.
Whenever you hear of any strife or corruption, hasten to resolve it. Visit those who visit you and those who do not. Always do good, whether others wish you good or ill. Forgive and turn a blind eye to some things. Abandon those things that distress you and try to do what is right. Visit those of your companions who fall ill, and ask after those you do not see. Take an interest in those who do not come to you.
(Imam Abu Hanifah)