Monday, December 29, 2008

The 'Save' Button... Press It!

"A dear teacher once put the significance of love for me in this unforgettable way: think of all your knowledge and reflections about God, His Prophet, and Islam as data you type onto your computer. But if you forget to press the 'Save' button, you will lose it all sooner or later.

Love is that 'Save' button. It is love that inscribes your knowledge about Allah onto your heart so that it becomes indelible. It is your love for Allah, His Message and the Messenger that enables you to weather the storms of confusion, doubt, desire, and persecution that you must face in this life. When faced with doubts and confusion, it is the job of mind to stand back and evaluate, calculate, compare, ponder - but it is the love in your heart that keeps holding on even as your mind questions.

When faced with desire and temptation, your heart will pull you in opposite directions, but if your love for God is strong anchored, it will conquer the lesser, lower loves. "

(Uwaymir Anjum)

p/s: There is no 'save' button for the lesser, lower loves that are unlawful. Of course, by all means 'save' if they are lawful.

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