Thursday, November 13, 2008

You are impatient

The context: It was during the early period of Islam at Mecca, when the muslims were frequently tortured by the Quraysh so that they abandon their new religion.

One day, Khabab Ibn Al-Arat, one of the oppressed people in Mecca who was severely abused and tortured, rushed to Allah's Prophet (Peace be upon him) asking his help. He found him lying on a garment in the shade of the Ka'bah. He asked him "O, Prophet of Allah (Peace be upon him) please ask Allah's Victory for us and call upon Him on our behalf. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:"Not long age, a believer used to be dragged to the desert where he was buried up to his neck in the sand. Then the disbelievers used to saw his head into two halfs and combed his body with iron combes until they split his flesh and bones. Yet, all this horrible torture did not force him to turn renegade. By Allah, He will ultimately bestow His Victory on us so much so that the traveler from San'aa on his way to Hadramaut will fear no one except Allah and the wolf lest he should devour his sheep, but you are impatient." [Reported by Al-Bukhari]

A knowledgeable person once recited to me this hadith, and he said to me, nowadays travelling from San'aa to Hadramaut is far from being a peaceful journey as envisioned by the Prophet s.a.w. - he said shootouts happen frequently, illegal gunmen are everywhere, tribal violence is common and so on and so forth. When the companion asked for victory, the Prophet s.a.w. envisioned peace and the worship of Oneness of God to spread. This religion should be a peaceful religion, and we wonder what is wrong with us?

That's an aside, my main point here is: If we find our little struggle with whatever in this life as unbearable, then indeed "you are impatient." Apalah sangat pon yang kita buat dengan hidup kita ni? Makan, belajar, main, tido je...

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