Monday, July 21, 2008

Not So Holiday

I used to think that when university is done, I will step into another totally different and exciting phase of my life: working. Apparently, the grass is perhaps not always greener on the other side. I am currently working at Institute of Advanced Technology as a research assistant - yeah it sounds cool, but don't judge a book by it's cover. My reason for working is to gain some experience and not waste my time during this summer break: Doing nothing. The job is perhaps pretty interesting: I have to program a firmware for an audio decoder which can do voice over ip (VoIP). However, staying at office from 8.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. proves to be quite a challenge sometimes, as I can do my work only for about 3/4 hours per day due to various reasons which I rather not state (Rule out: I am lazy). So, hello internet, here I am blogging, with nothing much to do. Ops...

Actually I have been 'flirting' with other companies at the moment, and hopes high, insyaAllah I will lend another internship job at a prolific private company soon (geez, I'm overhiping this). Don't get me wrong, this is perfectly ethical as my supervisor actually has his hands full at the moment, he is satisfied with me thus far, and he would be glad if I can actually find another job. In the end, I learn that you have to enjoy your work or it can be quite a drag, and please do enjoy your university life while you can - erm, the halal way! How's that? I don't know, think for yourself.

One of the things I enjoy the most about working is lunch break! Again don't get me wrong, I can give my supervisor's testimonial about his satisfaction with my work, and of course I think the 'pleasure of programming' is almost second to none - except when you get stack overflow error. So, what's so good about lunch break? Nasi lemak, nasi ayam, mee bandung? Not really... It's something so special called solat zuhr at the mosque.

I must say that some aspects my life have taken quite a big turn from what I plan off late, but in retrospective, all I can say is Alhamdulillah. Come to think of it, I 'just realize' that perhaps I have almost everything that I want at this dunya, and I can be considered so very fortunate as a human being. So, I just feel that I am a very ingratitude servant - lunch break is a good time to think! Well, I sit down at the restaurant and see people from all walks of life - pondering about my own predicament.

Back to something-so-special: The sad part about 'lunch break' is that there is only (almost) one saf of jema'ah at the mosque - this university houses ten thousands of Muslims, so where have you been? Even Toronto Mosque with little Muslim population has almost the same amount of attendance for zuhr. It's true that there are lots of other small suraus at department buildings, but we know for a fact that we will choose nasi ayam on top of solat jema'ah anytime... Maybe it's not a big deal, but if we reflect about ourselves, actually we regard the hereafter like a wing of a mosquito and the ephemeral world like an endless ocean.

One thing I realize: When you leave something for so long, you forget how it feels like. The first few weeks, amazingly I was pretty reluctant about going to the stables. It's not that I don't love them, or I don't miss them, it's just that, maybe I can't quite remember what's so good about them. And now I'm hooked up back, and no words can describe how it feels like to be with them again. Maybe Winston Churchill came close: "There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man." There is just that something... something... hmm something...

There is also 'another something' which all of us should try to do. So.. What's that? How about a reward of BMW M5 in front of your door for doing it? It's easy trust me. Will you take it or not? Perhaps too good to be true: sounds like a fraud.

Narrated Kharijah ibn Hudhafah al-Adawi: The Apostle of Allah s.a.w. came out to us and said: Allah the Exalted has given you an extra prayer which is better for you then the red camels (i.e. high breed camels). This is the witr which Allah has appointed for you between the night prayer and the daybreak.

(Sunan Abu Dawud Book 8 Hadith 1413)

p/s: Ok it's a fraud. Well, red camels are expensive during that time. Kind of like a BMW M5, seriously... So 3 raka'at for BMW M3, 5 raka'at for a BMW M5, etcetera. Wow! Well, you get what I mean...

p/s2: Perhaps pictures coming soon...


  1. Thx. I'm js trying to be myself nowadays. Somehow I'm tired of 'hiding from myself.'

  2. Salam bro i want the BMW-like reward too...not the dunya version but the hereafter one as u said...May Allah bless u bro in what ever you do InsyaAllah...
