Friday, June 8, 2007

Why Not Dating Dulu Baru Kahwin?

There is a glossary at the end of this article on certain scientific terms and Malay terms which may help the reader to understand this article better. Note that words that are colored with blue are scientific terms that are further explained in the glossary.

When you hear about "kahwin dulu, baru dating", probably in your mind you will be thinking about a guy with a kopiah 24 hours on his head marrying a girl who wear the tudung labuh or even a niqaab, better known as purdah at Malaysia. Your first instinct will also probably be, "I pray, I fast, I wear tudung, but I am not these extreme 'alim people. I need to get to know my partner for life inside out. So, I need to date him, to know whether we are serasi or not." I perfectly understand your concern. I understand that you are not 'crazy' enough to just jump into a marriage without knowing who your partner really is. So in the end, this kahwin dulu baru dating trend becomes an exclusive thing among people who are active in dakwah and jemaah, while the muslim masses are walking together holding hands or 'hanging out' at restaurants at KLCC, Mid Valley, etc. Some of these people are perhaps incurable, but I believe some just don't get how kahwin dulu baru dating can actually work. I will try my best to show you intellectually that kahwin dulu baru dating should not be an exclusive thing among the 'extreme pious people', in fact every rational person should embrace it. I will also try to point out that romantic love is hogwash in supposedly spotting the ideal partner for a long-lasting marriage.

Firstly, I have heard about people mocking about those who had successful marriage through matchmake as just being 'lucky'. To set the record straight, according to National Geographic, the divorce rate of the Western world which embraces total romantic love is around 50 to 60% - a healthy percentage indeed! So, even if you start your marriage with romantic love, the probability for it to last untill death-do-you-apart is less than half. I would like to call upon those ardent defenders of romantic love to pause for awhile and enjoy this statistics before proceeding to conjure some pseudo theories about the advantages of having romantic love - you can't fool the figures. I would say that the western society has 1001 flaws in keeping a safe household and those 'other factors' surely contribute to the statistics, but the fact still remain that romantic love fails to spot these people's partner for life. According to a study done by Utusan Malaysia, our country also has a divorce rate of 54% and our society is practically westernised with majority embracing romantic love - although maybe not the type that ends up on the bed. So it's the same old story, statistics wise.

Some people say we need to know whether we have 'chemistry' through countless dates, hang outs, and spending a lot of time together. Going through a person's 'CV', peer opinion or recommendation, observing her/him in public, and a brief get-to-know session are just not enough. We know that during this courting period, everyone pijak semut pon tak mati, and you will always forgive your partner's shortcoming no matter how big they are, simply because you are madly in love. How many times have we heard about glitch-free Pakwe 1.0 who eventually turned into Husband 1.0 with lots of viruses and trojan horses? Also note that I am not saying go into a marriage with someone you know you don't like, but I am saying you don't need these romantic craps to know a person through and through. The fact is you won't really know a person unless you live, eat, and sleep with him or her.

I wonder how can make big bucks, if everyone really insist in browsing through a book before buying it. Worst still, this book has a lot of pages written in magic invisible ink that will only show up after you buy it! So you never really know what you are buying. What if good reviews, high-praise critics, and best sellers are not enough for one to make a decision to buy a book? I admit that drawing an analogy between life partner with a book just doesn't make sense at all. Let's get scientific. So what really is this thing called love? Anthropologist Helen Fisher, a professor at Rutgers University, has conducted an extensive research on the biochemical pathways of love in all its manifestations: lust, romance, attachment, the way they start and wane, etc. Here is part of what her research is about:-

"After doing MRI on the brain of two lovers - they had been 'madly in love' for seven months during that time - she found out that parts of brain linked up to reward and pleasure - the ventral tegnmental area and the caudate nucleus- lit up. What excited Fisher most was not so much finding a location, an address, for love as tracing its specific chemical pathways. Love lights up the caudate nucleus because it is home to a dense spread of receptors for a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which Fisher came to think of as part of our own endogenous love potion. In the right proportions, dopamine creates intense energy, exhilaration, focused attention, and motivation to win rewards. It is why, when you are newly in love, you can stay up all night, watch the sun rise, run a race, ski fast down a slope ordinarily too steep for your skill. Love makes you bold, makes you bright, makes you run real risks, which you sometimes survive, and sometimes you don't." [The Chemistry of Love, National Geographic]

Sounds familiar? Mind you that mentally-ill people also shows high amount of dopamine in their brain, and scientists cannot tell apart one who is mentally-ill and one who is 'madly in love' by just MRIing their brains. Cool, right? The meaning of 'madly in love' is more real than what we think of, as the brain chemistry of infatuation is indeed akin to mental illness. Tak heran la, pijak semut pon tak mati, lautan api pon akan ku redah, dan gunung tinggi mana pon akan ku daki. Do you think an orang gila can make a sound judgement? The fact is, when you are in deep romantic obsession, you just want to win rewards from your partner due to the excessive dopamines, not objectively finding faults in him or her as you claim. Of course nobody is perfect, there is no point in finding every faults in your partner, and supposedly marriage is about reconciling differences and accepting the fact that your partner is another human being, inescapable from making mistakes. What I am stressing here is that dating and hanging out serve only one perpose: indulging in your nafs, not finding the right partner. How can something that is similar to mental-illness becomes a reliable way to make your decision of a lifetime? So am I still not convincing? Let's hear further what Dr. Helen Fischer has to say about the chemistry of love:-

"Most scientist who studied love, divide it into three segments: lust, romantic obsession, and attachment. The first stage of it which is lust which is actually the sex drive. One of the things that men like about women is their waist to hip ratio, which according to scientists, the desirable waist to hip ratio is point seven. woman are attracted to man with broad shoulders and rugged features, all showing a great deal of testosterone. The second stage of love is romantic passion, and the same chemcals are involved when a person is in love is when they are high on Amphetamine [dopamine stimulus] , and the scientists are speculating that it ends after about four years, and that's because that is the amount of time that it takes for a human baby to become 'viable'. And two things happen, either the couple separate or they stay together in long term relationship. That third stage is called attachment and there is a different chemical in brain that is involved in a long-term relationship, which is called oxytocin, and that causes one to feel very calm and soothe. Emily and Brian of Ohio had been married for 60 years and have twenty children. They were to me sort of perfect example of this long-term relationship attachment." [The Chemistry of Love, National Geographic]

So, according to scientists, this romantic passion can only last at maximum for four years, but they don't quite know why yet - biology is always vague. Some say that the human body just can't stand the state of high in dopamine for so long because it deteriorates the body, while some gave the theory that four years is the maximum time span for a couple to have their first baby, so they need to get 'serious'. Whatever it is, no wonder a lot of people complain that their once glitch-free Pakwe 1.0 turned into Husband 1.0 with lots of viruses and trojan horses. Another thing to point out is that couples who are in long-term relationship show high amount of oxytocin in their brains, which is a totally different chemical from dopamine. Oxytocin is also present when you have good relationships with your parents, brothers, sisters, and friends. So what makes a relationship last long is this feeling of attachment to your partner like you have for your parents, friends, and family, not the romantic passion during courtship. It is interesting to note that oxytocin causes one to feel very calm and soothe, while dopamine creates intense energy, exhilaration, focused attention, and motivation to win rewards. There is no similarity at all between these two chemicals; in fact, their purposes are actually the opposite to each other. So only a fool would think that romantic passion is the mechanism that should be used to find a suitable partner. It is like trying to use a hammer to cut your finger nail.

"And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of those who have Taqwa.'' [Qur'an 25:74]

Is qurrota a'yun (comfort of our eyes) mentioned in the Qur'an, the feeling of calm and soothe (triggered by oxytocin) that is presence when a relationship is based on attachment? Finally, let's listen to what Jody Cobb, the photographer of National Geographic magazine who wrote the article The Chemistry of Love, has to say about her impossible task: Photographing love:-

"I didn't want to just photograph weddings, that I think is what is expected. I didn't want to do a valentine, I didn't want to do a hallmark card. The notion of love because anyone who has ever really been in love knows that, that's not the reality. So I was very much interested to show real life and cultures all over the world. And women are becoming educated and wanting to make their own choices in mate selection, things are changing really fast. And just like in the West, where we trully believe in love and romance and happily ever after, we still have a 50-60% divorce rate." [The Chemistry of Love, National Geographic]

It is pretty clear now that dating baru kahwin doesn't come even close to ensure a happily-ever-after relationship. Ironically, those 'extreme 'alim people' are the ones who understand real love and real life, not those Casanovas. Do note that I am not saying if you kahwin dulu baru dating then your marriage will last forever, but if you dating dulu baru kahwin then you are doom to failure. I am simply pointing out that romantic passion has nothing to do about spoting the 'right person' in your life. It is also true that incompatibility may happen between two persons, like there is just no chemistry between the two of you. The point is, you don't need to go on countless hang outs to spot that. You don't need to overload your neuropathways with excessive dopamine to find the supposedly elusive chemistry. It is common sense: You sit down and talk with a person for 15 minutes and you'll know whether you can get along with that person or not. I am talking in general, meaning even with a stranger who you want to make him as your friend, not just your life partner. As for the opposite gender, more than that, you are just indulging in your nafs. Of course, if you are still in doubt, go through the person's 'CV', find peer opinion or recommendation about that person, observe her/him in public, and so on and so forth, as long as it is according to the syariah. Whatever you do, don't get mentally-ill. In the end, you still have to ride all the gelora after the romantic passion dies out and you dah kahwin - Husband 1.0 and Wife 1.0. Last piece of advice: Ride them with oxytocin, not dopamine, ok? Above all, bring along taqwa, inshaAllah it will be pretty smooth sailing.

"I love you because of your religion. If you let go of your religion, then I have to let go of my love for you" Imam Nawawi.


Scientific terms:

Neurotransmitters - are chemicals that are used to relay, amplify and modulate electrical signals between a neuron (brain/nervous system cells) and another cell.

Dopamine - Dopamine is a neurotrasmitter and it has many functions in the brain. Most importantly, dopamine is central to the reward system. Dopamine is commonly associated with the pleasure system of the brain, providing feelings of enjoyment and reinforcement to motivate a person proactively to perform certain activities. Dopamine is released by naturally rewarding experiences such as food and sex. Disruption to the dopamine system has also been strongly linked to psychosis and schizoprenia, with abnormally high dopamine action apparently leading to these conditions. Now you can see the link between sex/romantic passion and psychosis.

Oxytocin - Oxytocin is a mamalian hormone that also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. In the brain, oxytocin is involved in social recognition and bonding, and might be involved in the formation of trust between people. Oxytocin is also an important hormone for women for various reasons, but in this article I am focusing on the function of oxytocin in the brain.

MRI - MRI stands for Magnetic resonance imaging, which is a non-invasive method used to render images of the inside of an object. In this particular case, it is used to render images inside of the brain.

Malay terms:

kahwin dulu baru dating - A loose translation would be: Marriage first, only then comes dating.

dating dulu baru kawhin - A loose translation would be: Dating first, only then comes marriage

tudung - hijab

serasi - compatible

pijak semut pon tak mati - Literally it means: Even if you step on an ant, the ant won’t die. What it actually means is someone who control his behavior to give a false, good impression during dating.

pakwe - boyfriend

Tak heran la, pijak semut pon tak mati, lautan api pon akan ku redah, dan gunung tingga mana pon akan ku daki - Literally it means: No wonder he steps on an ant, the ant won’t die, and he will say, “I will cross a fiery ocean for your sake, I will climb the tallest mountain for your sake.” I guess you get the meaning already

dah kawin - already married

1. Slater, Lauren. The Chemistry of Love. National Geographic Magazine, February 2006
2. Fisher, Helen. Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. Henry Holt and Company, 2004.


  1. Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

  2. Cinta manusia itu urusan Dia. Cintakan Dia itu urusan kita. Jangan sibukkan diri dengan urusan Dia sedangkan kita gagal menyempurnakan urusan kita. Cinta dia hujungnya di mana? Cinta Dia hujungnya Syurga. Indahnya...

    mengapa mahu mulakan suatu yang mulia dengan suatu yang terkutuk?.. bukankah perkahwinan itu satu kemuliaan.. dan bukankah perpeleseran dengan bukan mahram itu adalah terkutuk..

    bagaimana mahu menguji seseorang ketika dia dalam keadaan mabuk.. malahan ibnu qayyim mengatakan.. mabuk cinta itu lebih parah dari mabuk arak..

    bagaimana hendak menilai orang yang bukan dirinya.. bukankah dalam waktu percintaan itu kita bukanlah diri kita.. penuh dengan kepura-puraan.. kata-kata manis.. sekali silap seribu kali dimaafkan.. apakah ini berkekalan sehingga sudah berkahwin nanti..

    mengapa sewaktu bercinta sebelum kawin bukan main erat lagi genggaman tangan antara keduanya.. tapi setelah berkahwin semakin pudar.. adakah jemu.. apakah yang hilang pada pasangan itu..

    adakah cinta remaja kita hari ini dari mata turun ke hati.. atau dari hati merebak kepada yang lainnya.. yang manakah sifat pasangan kita itu yang kekal.. kalaulah mata yang menilai, maka, tunggulah harinya di mana apa yang nampak cantik pada mata tidak lagi ada..

    pandangan mata.. nilaian dunia.. kecantikan.. harta benda.. pangkat dan nama.. semuanya dunia.. dan dunia ini ibarat bunga.. bunga yang tumbuh di atas bumi ini.. disirami hujan.. lalu tumbuh mekar mewangi.. membesar kembang cantik dan indah.. tapi ianya hanya sementara.. tidak lama.. hanya sebentar.. lalu ia pun layu.. layu dan makin layu.. apa yang menjadi tarikan dahulunya pudar.. dan makin pudar.. dan akhirnya hilang.. menjadi tanah dan debu.. sepertinya ia tidak pernah wujud sebelum ini.. itulah dunia.. jangan ditipu oleh dunia..

    mengapa mengundang murka Allah dalam mendapatkan redhaNya.. matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara.. inginkan perkahwinan yang kekal kasih sayang dan cinta mahabbahnya sehingga akhir hayat ikutlah panduanNya..

    Allah tidak pernah berlaku zalim terhadap hambanya.. Dia mengiktirafmu dengan fitrah bernama cinta.. Tapi dia juga mentaklifan mu dengan suatu amanah bernama prioriti.. Prioritaskan cintamu supaya kau tidak menggadaikan haqNya dengan suatu yang murah nilainya..

    Segalanya milik Dia jua.. Bercintalah sebagaimana hebat sekalipun.. Sekiranya Dia tidak mengizinkannya.. Apa iradatmu menepis takdirNya?..

    "Dan yang mempersatukan hati mereka (orang-orang yang beriman). walaupun kamu membelanjakan semua (kekayaan) yang berada di bumi, niscaya kamu tidak dapat mempersatukan hati mereka, akan tetapi Allah Telah mempersatukan hati mereka. Sesungguhnya dia Maha gagah lagi Maha Bijaksana." (Surah al-Anfal, 8:63)

    moga bermanfaat.. salah silap harap diperbetulkan.. sedia menerima teguran kerana diri ini tidak sempurna.. jazakumullahu khairan kathira..

    wassalamu 'alaikum..

  3. Faisal, ko baca buku ibn qayyim yang mana tu? Menarik juga nak tahu. Yg aku tau buku ibn qayyim yg berkaitan dengan hati ialah Kaedah-kaedah Rawatan Penyakit Hati (Risalah Fi Amrad Al-Qulub). Tak nampak pulak ada cakap pasal bab ni, tetapi tak habis baca lagi ni. Thanks faisal, sangat bermanfaat.

  4. Buku yang dibaca itu ialah "Panduan Bercinta dan Memendam Rindu" karya asal oleh ulama' terkenal, Ibnu al-Qayyim al-Jauziyah, tajuk buku asalnya ialah "Raudhah al-Muhibbin wa Nuzhah al-Musytaqin".

    Buku tersebut menerangkan tentang hal ehwal cinta mengikut sifat semula jadi manusia, dan bagaimana sikap hamba yang bertaqwa kepada Allah s.w.t. dalam menghadapinya berdasarkan panduan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah.

    Dalam buku ini, Ibnu al-Qayyim menyeru agar umat Islam meletakkan cinta sejatinya kepada Allah s.w.t. dan RasulNya. Jika sikap itu berjaya dimilikinya nescaya seseorang tidak pernah akan mengalami kekecewaan dalam bercinta. Kerana jika ia menyintai sesuatu atau seseorang maka hanya kerana Allah s.w.t. dan untuk Allah s.w.t..

    Buku ini mengandungi etika dan tata cara permintaan mengikut ajaran Islam dan membimbing ke arah cinta yang suci di dunia sehingga ke syurga.

    dan.. masih lagi belum habis membacanya.. insyaAllah akan habis setelah musim peperiksaan habis.. insyaAllah..

  5. salam... point of view as a sciences student...if students yang learn bio, they will understand u of coz...but kesian to those arts student..mesti you shud state wat is actually MRI- magnetic resonance imaging (for d readers to imagine and to know wat is it)..and also u shud xplain the function of the hormone scientifically..such as this..
    note : dopamine increase heart rate and blood pressure
    Oxytocin : in women, it is released mainly after distension of the cervix and vagina during labor, and after stimulation of the nipples, facilitating birth and breastfeeding, respectively.
    but the best function of oxytocin here in this article is oxytocin is it involved in social recognition and bonding, and might be involved in the formation of trust between people..
    barulah all readers leh relate kan the facts with the situation.. =)

    then barulah all ur readers leh understand well..kan..?..they read ur entry, they also of coz wud like to understand wat is it..nak2 they did not have dat in their field of study ( i mean d arts student)..kalau explain more surely they wud like it..kan..? too for sure..yeah!..
    nway, u are great man, i enjoyed ur entry..keep on blogging!!.. ~_^

  6. Salam.

    Thanks for the pointer. Yeah, makes a lot of sense (Tak terfikir pulak). I've made a glossary, hope it helps. If the reader still does not understand certain terms, my suggestion is to 'wikipedia it'.

  7. This is a very interesting post, Taufik. It seems that the over-emphasis on romance is pervading other cultures -- to their detriment.

    I wish you would add another glossary for words like "kahwin dulu, baru dating." I think I get what they mean, but I'd love to know for sure.

  8. P.S. I got "naf" from Wikipedia, but that's all.

  9. Sure. I've included those Malay terms in the glossary too. Hope it helps.

    p/s: I didn't expect non-Malaysian readers to read the article at first. A pleasent suprise indeed.

  10. Malaysia under Umno was, is and will forever be a basket case. What we see now as development and progress are merely internal consumption.

    Unless the government commits to real change and wiping out of the current rot in Umno, Malaysia is slowly but surely spiraling downward towards being a pariah country.

  11. Malay special rights as interpreted and redefined by the powers that be, have to my mind gone against the spirit of the constitutional provision.

    Over the years the special right provision has been abused to the very detriment of the community it was meant to help. This has been acknowledged by Dr Mahathir, our former prime minister. Clearly there has to be a reassessment on the need or relevance of such a constitutional provision.

    Surely this is consonant with Islamic values, where human beings are created equal before God. Clearly, the special privileges advocates have not included a moral dimension to their argument.

    Of course you find it difficult to fathom why non-malays are so opposed to the privilege you so rightfully claim. Wouldn't expect anything more from you! It is ridiculous for special rights to be based on the number of 'rich' non-malays and malays. Is that the only justification you have?

    Don't get me wrong, there are some self-made malay success stories who deserve due respect and admiration. But then, if you can't succeed with all the spoon-feeding, then what can I say?

    It wasn't meant to be forever. Tell me honestly, how long do you think special rights can last? Globalisation will turn Malaysia into an economic island if you start asking foreign businesses how much malay equity they have.

    It is stupid to compare special rights with vernacular education. How do malays lose out by non-malays studying in their own language? On the other hand, non-malays are obviously on the losing side when affirmative action is race-based.

    If after decades of special rights, the poor malays are still poor, then don't you think the system is flawed? All that has been achieved by the special rights is benefit a certain elite layer of the malay community in the name of the rest.

    Why can't we just help the poor regardless of their race? That way the most deserving get assistance, and if more people from one race are more deserving, so be it. At least it is fair!

  12. NEP - A truly Never Ending Policy!

    Let us look at all the countries around the world.

    Is there a country that has achieved economic equality among the races?

    Let us not be fooled by the power-that-be.

    Vote for change at the next election!

  13. Lee Kuan Yew said recently the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore has not always been smooth sailing, and so investing in the Iskandar Development Region (IDR) may not always be smooth sailing for Singaporean companies.

    This is simply a statement of fact that nevertheless appears to have gotten local Umno leaders into a tizzy.

    Every local Umno politician hopes to be in a position to be approving investment flows into the country because to stand as gatekeeper is a very lucrative position, and when public squabbles erupt between Umno politicians about who is the better "protector of malay privileges and rights", it usually means someone just wants a bigger cut of the investment action for himself.

    Go figure that one.

    Of course, the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore is special because of the race relations issue.

    Singapore has been the favourite whipping boy of the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press for the last 50 years, and if anything are seen as even bigger devils than the local Chinese and Indian citizens of Malaysia in the eyes of Malaysia's malay Muslims.

    The fact is Singapore's development model has meant that Singapore's malays are far better educated, far better equipped, far better paid, far more self-confident, and self-reliant to deal with globalisation than malay Muslims in Malaysia.

    This makes Ketuanan Melayu, the malay Agenda, and the NEP look like failed racist apartheid policies that have impoverished everyone except Umno cronies. Of course, Umno must demonise Singapore to maintain the illusion that Umno politicians are nationalists and not parasites, and more so if Singapore happens to be better educated, meritocratic, richer, and safer than Malaysia.

    Malay Muslims in Malaysia have been brainwashed by Umno for the last 50 years into thinking that the Chinese and Indians both Malaysians and Singaporeans have gotten rich at their expense, and this perception probably won't change anytime soon because Umno does not have another elections winning formula if it dumps the present demonisation formulas.

    Every time Singapore's first world achievements are compared with the sluggish technological, competitiveness, economic, educational, professional, scientific, and social standard in apartheid Malaysia, there is the predictable keris waving, baying for blood, and frothing at the mouth in every Umno up and down the country in Malaysia

    Although Chinese and Indian Malaysians have simply accepted the gross racial discrimination in business, education, and job as a fact of life in Malaysia, the non-apartheid non-NEP meritocratic Singaporean mindset may not have the stomach for this particular type of nonsense in the IDR.

    I think Lee Kuan Yew is way too smart to think the demonisation process of the Chinese and Indians in the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press is going to stop anytime soon. How else is Umno going to win elections except by continuing to perpetrate the lie that the orang asing minorities in Malaysia are a threat to the malays?

    Nevertheless Lee Kuan Yew may be hoping Chinese and Indian Singaporean investors will not be discriminated against in the IDR in comparison with investors from countries like China, Europe, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.

    In the meantime, I am sure it will simply be business as usual for the rest of us in racial and religious apartheid Malaysia.

  14. I think these idiotic Umno ministers have a competition going on as to who is the biggest idiot, that is why everyday one of them comes out with an idiotic statement.

  15. I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.

    Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.

    What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!

  16. Use your brain to think why the non-malays want to emigrate?

    I got a PR in Australia and Singapore, they even treat me better than my home country in Malaysia whereby all the illegal Muslim immigrants from Indonesia and Philippines obtained Mycard so easily, and become bumis directly especially in Sabah.

    They are more than one million aliens with Mycard and bumis status.

  17. Dear Mahathir, 22 years you left us nothing but:

    - A generation of poor non-malays who is gangsters or selling DVDs
    - AP issues
    - A useless currency in the ringgit
    - IC Project in Sabah
    - Keris waving political party members
    - MAS in deficit
    - Proton in financial trouble
    - Racial divide
    - Tongkat generation
    - World's most expensive tolls anywhere in the city

    And now, after being out of politics, you suddenly talk a lot of malays this and that when you had 22 years in power and you did absolutely, jack shit.

    Please old man, you want to make a change, it is too late now. All you can do is look at that man in the mirror and cry before you meet your almighty maker.

  18. That is why malay is the most arrogant, corrupted, racist and terrorist race in the world. To the world population, malay is only a minority. And yet, still keep on talking about Islam, Muslim, Syariah law. Shame on you.

  19. UMNO = Untuk Makan Nasi Orang

    This is a new generation of lazy malays who evolved from their lazy ancestors. Not surprising la! Wait for the next generation of lazy malays on the future with better parasitic economic policies.

  20. dunia itu perhiasan
    dan seindah perhiasan adalah wanita

  21. Erm, not just wanita, tetapi a rigtheous one (Mgkn saudari tak sengaja tertinggal perkataan tu).

    "The wordly life is an enjoyment, the best enjoyment of which is a righteous woman." (Muslim)

  22. ouch! terasaaa.. taufik ni memang boleh jadi lecturer! i only read half coz its too long for my level of concentration. don't worry, i'm sure the second half is just as justified as the frist half.

    by the way, i'm linking you in my blog. =)

  23. saLaaM Taufik~ (err.. seme panggil dgn panggilan itu.. tho i never noe u. huHuu~)

    u have put across the message beautifully. i like it.. i even linked ur post at my blog quite recently. dun mind yer???

    nothing much to say, hope for more similar articles. and nice to hear from ur fren's comment (i guess), Faisal. hehe

    Allahu a'alaam~


  24. Thanks for the nice words. Sure.

    To convince the mind is one thing, to change the heart is another thing altogether - actions will change accordingly as everything that we do is the manifestation of what's inside our heart.

    So this article aims at the intellect, and hopefully the convinced intellect will search for the spiritual cure.
